A Historic Gem: Al-Qanatara Mosque in Taif, Saudi Arabia

Al-Qanatara Mosque, also known as Al-Madhoun Mosque and Masjid ali , is a historic gem located in the Al-Mathnah neighborhood of Taif, Saudi Arabia. Built approximately 162 years ago during the Ottoman era, this mosque showcases a unique blend of Ottoman and Abbasid architecture, giving it an ancient feel. As you explore this historic site, you'll discover a rich history and a serene atmosphere that will leave a lasting impression on your soul.



1/8/20242 min read


A Historic Gem: Al-Qanatara Mosque in Taif, Saudi Arabia

Al-Qanatara Mosque, also known as Al-Madhoun Mosque and Masjid ali , is a historic gem located in the Al-Mathnah neighborhood of Taif, Saudi Arabia. Built approximately 162 years ago during the Ottoman era, this mosque showcases a unique blend of Ottoman and Abbasid architecture, giving it an ancient feel. As you explore this historic site, you'll discover a rich history and a serene atmosphere that will leave a lasting impression on your soul.

Key Features of Al-Qanatara Mosque

- Architecture: The mosque's design is inspired by Abbasid architecture, which adds to its ancient charm.

- Location: It is situated in the Al-Mathnah neighborhood, close to the farm where Prophet Muhammad rested after being expelled from Taif.

- Significance: Many tourists believe that Prophet Muhammad came to this mosque and left a mark on a stone with his elbow.

Visitor's Experience

Visitors to Al-Qanatara Mosque often come from countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Singapore, Bangladesh, and Turkey. The mosque is particularly popular among Pakistanis, who refer to it as 'Hazrat Ali Mosque' in honor of Al-Bin Abi Talib, the Prophet's cousin, who they believe was with the Prophet when he was in Taif.

Inside the mosque, you'll find a peaceful and spiritual atmosphere that invites you to pray and reflect. The mosque's unique architecture and historical significance make it a must-visit destination for tourists and worshippers alike.

Nearby Attractions

In addition to Al-Qanatara Mosque, there are several other attractions in Taif that you can explore during your visit. Some of these include:

- Al-Qu'a Mosque: Built approximately 800 years after the death of the Prophet, this mosque is another popular destination for tourists in Taif.

- Local cuisine: Taif offers a variety of local dishes and eateries where you can enjoy authentic Saudi Arabian cuisine.


Al-Qanatara Mosque is a historic and spiritual destination that offers a unique experience for visitors. Its rich history, beautiful architecture, and serene atmosphere make it a must-visit site for anyone traveling to Taif, Saudi Arabia. Whether you're a tourist or a worshipper, this mosque is sure to leave a lasting impression on your soul.